Associate Game Designer
Responsible for designing and scripting cards, conducting playtests, and debugging code.
I've designed cards for 8 expansions and 3 minisets.
I participate in 5 playtests every week.
4 with a small group of designers
In-depth feedback on every card, revised daily.
1 with hundreds of developers
Data-driven analysis of classes' strengths and weaknesses.
I debug code, hook up animations, and write art descriptions and VO for each expansion.
Here's a player using Faithful Companions, a card I debugged and assigned animations to.
My responsibilities are:
- Adjusting script implementation for consistency, speed, and edge cases.
- Propagating script changes through multiple upcoming patches, ensuring they still work and resolving merge conflicts.
- Assigning animations made by our artists and triggering them in scripts at the appropriate moment.
A few examples of cards I code reviewed.